

What's happening in our parishes?

Date Event Location Time Cost
March 28 Stations of the Cross Our Lady of the Assumption 6:30p
April 4 Stations of the Cross Our Lady of the Assumption 6:30p
April 11 Living Stations of the Cross Our Lady of the Assumption 6:30p
April 12 Lenten Mission St. Ann by the Sea following 4:00p Mass
April 20 Easter Egg Hunt both churches following 9:30a & 10:30a Masses
May 18 Donut Social St. Ann by the Sea following 9:30a Mass
June 15 Donut Social St. Ann by the Sea following 9:30a Mass
June 21 Block Party St. Ann by the Sea 5:00p
July 13 Donut Social St. Ann by the Sea following 9:30a Mass
July 7-11 Vacation Bible School St. Ann by the Sea 9:00a-12:00p see below
July 27 80th Anniversary Mass with reception following St. Ann by the Sea 9:30a
TBD Trunk or Treat St. Ann by the Sea TBD
November 23 Mass of Thanksgiving St. Ann by the Sea 9:30a Mass


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